Why Do You Need Vitamin D?
Builds & Maintains Strong and Healthy Bones
It helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are needed for bone-building. Without enough of these, your bones could turn out soft - a condition called osteomalacia. Having enough calcium & phosphorus in your system can also reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition wherein your bones lose density - making you more prone to fractures.
Regulate Calcium Levels
If there’s insufficient calcium or low vitamin D, your body will borrow them from your bones. This is done to keep your blood calcium in a normal range. Over time, if your body keeps borrowing and borrowing, your bones will weaken!
Strengthen Your Muscles
A study found that in 42,000 people, who were around 65+ years of age - those who had higher intakes of vitamin D supplements reduced hip and non-spine fractures by about 20%! As you age, weakening muscles can lead to increased falls. In an analysis of multiple studies, it was found that taking vitamin D lowered the risk of falls by 19%!