How Do You Prevent Candida Overgrowth?
Eliminate Bad Foods and Implement Good Foods
Refined sugars, carbs, and high lactose- dairy products can encourage bad microorganisms to grow. By eliminating grains, dairy, and processed foods you’re reducing the risk of infection. Start implementing whole foods, such as meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. This will keep your immunity strong and digestion intact!
Take Probiotics & Prebiotics
Probiotics and prebiotics will help to crowd out the Candida in your stomach, in addition to releasing small amounts of lactic and acetic acid that maintain the right level of intestinal acidity.
Take Supplements Like: Candida Complex
Candida Complex helps rid the body of unhealthy Candida and yeast by starving existing yeast cells, slowing the growth of existing yeast cells, and allowing the body to detoxify and cleanse the infection. This helps to restore yeast and flora balance. All with natural herbs, antifungals, enzymes, and probiotics.