Fun Facts About Calcium You Should Know

You have already known that calcium is the most essential nutrient for bone health. Building bones is like a bank account. It performs calcium deposits and withdrawals daily, but it requires an elevated rate of deposits as much as possible because it needs continuous maintenance, otherwise it can weaken and break.

Where to Get Calcium?

Calcium is all around us. It is one of the most essential components of all living things, thus supports life. The average human has 1kg of calcium in the body, where 99% is stored in bones and teeth. You can also find calcium in blood, muscle, and fluid between body cells. 

Your body cannot make calcium. You can only get this nutrient through the food you eat or from supplements. Calcium-rich foods include milk, cheese, other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, calcium-rich soy, sardines, and bread. Nearly 72% of the calcium in the US comes from dairy products.

Parathyroid glands are responsible for regulating calcium, and they are located around the thyroid gland in the neck. The parathyroid glands regulate the calcium in the blood with the level usually at 1-2%.

What other benefits does Calcium give?

Calcium is significantly important for the bones. But there are other benefits about this essential nutrient:

1. Calcium as a messenger 

The muscles like the heart need calcium to contract and to carry messages through nerves, between the brain and every body part. Low calcium will require the body to get the nutrients from the bones.

2. Take Calcium during the day 

Calcium is best consumed no more than 500mg at a time during the day. You need to split the dose if you will need a greater dosage. Based on the RDA, calcium should not exceed 2,500mg per day for ages 19 and 50. Over 51 years is 2,000mg. 

3. Calcium is important to everyone 

Studies associated women with lower intake of calcium and magnesium to have symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It is also essential to prevent the risk of developing osteoporosis which is common in older women. 

Children are encouraged to have enough calcium to reach the full potential of height and prevent developing health issues. 

4. Vitamin D in calcium absorption 

You can get vitamin D through sunlight, food intake, and supplement. The body can only absorb calcium, if you have sufficient vitamin D. To simply put, vitamin D deficiency would only lead to calcium coming to waste no matter how much milk you drink. You can check on Vitamin D Gummies to supplement your health. This ensures that you take the daily recommended dose. 

Calcium is significant to one’s health.

A long-term deficiency may show no early symptoms and can become life-threatening if left untreated. It is important to follow the daily recommended dose because excess intake may also put your health at risk. Calcium works best with Vitamin D, so it is important to keep up a healthy balanced diet. 

Our Vitamin D3 Gummies contains 25mcg of Vitamin D to aid in calcium absorption, bone health, and mood regulation. These peach mango flavored gummies ensure that your whole family can get those  needs with just a few bites!

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