Happy Gut, Healthy Mind: How The Gut and Brain are Connected
Of all of the things Apple Cider Vinegar is most accredited to, digestion and an overall cleansing of the body is the biggest. Why? Because the organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar also contains a substance called “the mother.” The “mother” consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that give the product a suspicious murky appearance similar to kombucha! Some people claim that the mother is responsible for all of the benefits, but there’s no concrete evidence. What we do know is that the mother plays a vital role in the cleansing of the gut.
Gut health is a hot new topic of conversation and for good reason. But what does it mean to have a “good gut” and how does it benefit our lives? You might not even realize what kind of changes await you when your gut is balanced and healthy.
In this article we are going to explore gut health and introducing these methods can help you change your life.
So… what is gut health?
A healthy gut means you have a good balance of bacteria, or microbes, in your gastrointestinal tract. These microbes help the body obtain energy from the food you eat, get rid of toxins, and fight off harmful bacteria and viruses.
Throughout our lifetime, our digestive system is solely responsible for providing our bodies and cells with:
- Nutrients to function
- Filtering toxic exposure and pathogens
- Producing many important cells and chemicals
What does this mean? If our digestive system is dysfunctional or in other words, our gut is not healthy, then the rest of our body suffers.
Although most people only associate an unhealthy gut to constipation, digestion issues, and gas, there are other lesser known symptoms of an unhealthy gut microbiome. These symptoms include:
- Inflammation
- Skin Breakouts
- Seasonal allergies
- Food intolerances
- Hormonal imbalances
- Foggy brain
- Anxiety